Katalena - music band

Kmečka ohcet

With its third album, Katalena remains true to the fundamental idea of its activity - it continues to draw inspiration from the Slovenian folk tradition, in the musical, as well as textual sense. However, certain changes and alterations have taken place. Compared with the first two albums, Kmečka ohcet (Country wedding) has a clearer concept since it is entirely related to the theme of wedding, i.e. an event that signifies not only an important intimate experience between two people, but also an event around which gathers the community. The wedding, staged by Katalena, is Slovenian in every sense of the word and for that reason the atmosphere is constantly changing, from intimacy to the convivial grotesque, and back. In addition to the clear concept, Katalena introduces an entirely new element into its music: the changing of the atmosphere is additionally accentuated by the variation of the principal themes, which appear throughout the whole album. The album was recorded in the studio Metro, in December 2005. Further recording and editing took place in the studios Attic, Desn bedr and Noćas mi srce pati, in January and February 2006. The album was produced by Boštjan Gombač and Boštjan Narat and mixed with the help of sound director Boštjan Podlesnik in the studio Melopoja. Mastering was done by David Šuligoj. The image was designed by Ivian Kan Mujezinović. The photos in the booklet were published with the permission of the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, within the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana. Official photos were taken in the Museum of Recent History in Celje, in Josip Pelikan’s studio. Their author is Ivian Kan Mujezinović. The visual image of the band was arranged by stylist Nika Ravnik. 

Music and lyrics written by: Boštjan Narat in Katalena 
Recorded at: Studio Metro, december 2005 
Aditional recordings and editing: Studio Attic, Studio Desn bedr and Studio Noćas mi srce pati; Produced by: Boštjan Gombač and Boštjan Narat; Sound engineer: Boštjan Podlesnik; Mixed by: Boštjan Podlesnik, Boštjan Gombač, Boštjan Narat; Studio Melopoja; Mastering: David Šuligoj. 
Design and photographs: Ivian Kan Mujezinović.

Music sources: 

Karel Štrekelj. Slovenske narodne pesmi I–IV. Ljubljana 1980 (5583). 
Josip Dravec. Glasbena folklora Prekmurja. Ljubljana 1957 (107/1). 
Odmev prvih zapisov. GNI ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2004. 
Istranova: 1982. Ljubljana 1999. 
Tolovaj Mataj. Stari grehi nova sramota. Ljubljana 1995. 
Simon Gregorčič. Izbrane poezije. Celje 1980. 


The peasant wedding or the third contribution to Slovenian insanity 

1.   (Rad imel bi) Jabuko – 3.41 
2.   Dajte, dajte – 8.26 
3.   Lucija – 3.37 
5.   Dajte, dajte – 4.29 
6.   Oj Božime – 5.09 

8.   Prstan – 3.43 
9.   Le pijmo ga – 2.18 

11.  Štrbenk na štrbunk – 0.53 
12.  Dajte, dajte – 4.14 
13.  Pleši, pleši, črni voz – 6.02 
14.  Nede mi več rasla – 3.06 

Datum izdaje: 2006-02-20

(Rad imel bi) Jabuko


Dajte, dajte




Dajte, dajte


Oj, Božime




Le pijmo ga


Štrbenk na štrbunk


Dajte, dajte


Pleši, pleši, črni voz


Nede mi več rasla

Band Katalena - all rights reserved.         Web site made by www.normstudio.si